Bitter Gourd

Bitter Gourd is grown in over an area 5459 hectares, and its production was 51,217 ton.



Bitter gourd is a popular summer vegetable and has important properties. It helps in increasing the body's immunity against diseases like digestive disorders, malaria, chickenpox, diabetes and cancer. It is cultivated throughout Punjab, but the central and southern districts of Faisalabad, Toba Tek Singh, Jhang, Rahim Yar Khan, Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar, Multan and Vehari are suitable for producing green bitter gourd and seeds, while the northern districts of Sheikhupura, Lahore, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Okara and Hafizabad are suitable for green bitter gourd.

Farmers can increase the per acre yield of bitter gourd by adopting recommended factors. Details of area, production and yield per acre of bitter gourd cultivation in Punjab in the last five years will be given in the following table.

Area under cultivation, production and average production of bitter gourd:


Area (thousand Hectare)

Area (thousand acre)

Production (thousand tons)

Average production (Kg/Hectare)

Average Production (Maund/Acre)
































Types of bitter gourd

The recommended varieties of bitter gourd are Faisalabad Long, Asood and Safina.

Faisalabad Long   

The color of this type of fruit is light green and this type is quickly ripened and prepared. This type has resistance against bitter gourd diseases. The production potential of this variety is 18 tons per hectare.


This type of fruit is dark green in color and medium-sized. This type of fruit is very much liked in the market. This variety is more heat-tolerant than the rest of the variety. The production potential of this variety is 24 tons per hectare.


This variety has been prepared for June-July cultivation. This type of fruit is green and long in size. This variety has resistance to bitter gourd diseases and has good productivity.

Note: Besides from these, Hybrid varieties are also popular among farmers.

Seed Rate

Use 1.5 to 2 kg of seed per acre with good germination.


Suitable land and its preparation

Fertile loamy soil with good drainage is suitable for bitter gourd cultivation. One month before cultivation, put 10 to 12 tons of decomposed dung in the field per acre and plough and mix it well in the soil and irrigation on the field, prepare the land by planking two or three times when the moisture conserve. In this way the weeds will grow and be destroyed. Then ploughing two or three times to make the soil soft and porous by planker.

Sowing Time

The normal crop is cultivated from mid-February to March, which produces fruit from May to September. Whereas the late crop is cultivated in July and its fruit is obtained from August to November.

Method of Cultivation

Make ridges by marking a distance of 8 feet in the prepared land and make 1.5 wide channel between the ridges. Cultivate 2 to 3 seeds per hole at a depth of 1 inch at a distance of 1.5 feet on both sides of the ridges. Cultivate the seed by applying the recommended fungicide before sowing. By mounting the crop on a plastic net, the yield is good and the quality is also good.


Vegetable diseases and their control





Downy Mildew

Moist spots appear on the lower surface of the leaves. These spots are pointed and yellow which later turn dark brown. These spots spread rapidly and spread on the entire plant as soon as appear, all the leaves of the plant dry up and the plant wilts. The disease spreads rapidly in temperatures of 15 C and more than 80% humidity and cloudy weather.

  • Keep the recommended distance between plants. If the crop is denser, the humidity increases and the attack of the disease is more.
  • Try to irrigation the crops during the day so that the moisture on their leaves can be reduced and protected from the effects of disease.
  • In case of disease, spray the recommended fungicide 7 days interval and in case of severe disease, spray at 3 days interval.





Powdery Mildew

On the lower surface of the leaves, round white spots begin to appear. These spots also contain white powder. Gradually, these spots appear on other parts of plants, such as stems and fruits. In the case of a severe attack, the leaves turn brown and wilt. Fruit growth stops and often the taste of the fruit is also affected. Temperatures of 20 to 25 C and less than 50% humidity in the atmosphere increase the severity of the disease.

  • Keep the field free of weeds.
  • Cultivate resistant varieties.
  • In case of an attack of the disease, spray the recommended fungicides with an interval of 5 days from the principle of rotation. Spray in such a way that every part of the plant gets wet well.





This disease is caused by underground fungi, in the case of an attack, the supply of salts and water to the plant stops and its roots are rot. The leaves on the stem of the plant dry up and the plant dies in 1 to 2 days. This disease can attack the crop at any time.

  • Always cultivate the seeds by applying the recommended fungicide.
  • Always cultivate vegetables in disease-free healthy soil.
  • In case of cultivation in the affected field, water should not be applied from the affected field to the healthy field.
  • Soak it in the recommended fungicide solution before transferring the seedlings.
  • Spray the recommended fungicide in case of an attack.




Southern Blight/crown rot

The attack of disease is mostly on the part of the stem that is slightly above the soil or submerged in the soil, due to the growth of the fungus, the stem is rot and the fruit which is lying next to the ground, white thread-like gum comes out of the stem of the affected plant and if the stem of the affected plant is transaction from the top, then it will become Sclerotia. Which are seen in the form of small pearls, whose color becomes white initially, then red and then brown. Due to the disease, the food vessels of the plant are destroyed and the plant dies as it wilts.

  • Cultivate the crop on ridges so that the water does not touch to the stem of the plant.
  • Sow the seeds by applying fungicide before sowing.
  • Cultivate resistant varieties.
  • Do not cultivate in a field affected by southern blight.
  • Use the recommended fungicide if the cultivated vegetables show symptoms of southern blight.




Early Blight

Deep concentric spots appear at the lower surface of the leaves, which later appear on the upper surface of the leaves as well. In the severity of the disease, these spots appear on the whole plant and the plants appear to be scorched. Temperatures of 20 to 30 c and 60% humidity in the air increase the severity of the disease.

  • In case of disease, spray the recommended fungicide at 5 days interval.





Collar Rot

Blackish spots form on the stem near the root, which later take the form of a black circle. The supply of salts and water to the plant is completely stopped, the plant wilts and dies in 1 to 2 days.

  • Always treat the seeds with fungicide before sowing. Soak the vegetable seedlings in a fungicide solution before transferring.
  • Cultivate crops on ridges. If possible, irrigate the crops with the help of drip irrigation system. If it is not available, irrigate the crop in such a way that the water does not touch the stem of the plant in any way.
  • In case of disease, use the recommended fungicide. 

Leaf Spot

Initially small moist spots begin to appear on the leaves, which later turn yellow and later brown. In case of extreme heat, these spots intermingle together and the plant is not able to meet its nutrient need properly.

  • As soon as the disease appears, keeping in mind the principle of rotation of recommended fungicides, spray well at interval of 5 days so that the plant is completely wet with fungicide.


Bacterial Blight

Germs of this disease are present in the seed or in the soil and the cause of its spread is bacteria. Symptoms of the disease include yellowing of the leaves, stunted height and wilting of the plant. If the roots of the affected plant are cut and kept in water, the bacterial material starts coming out of the plant. The roots of the plant look pink or dark brown. This disease is caused by injuries to plants during weeds eradication or due to an attack by nematodes present underground. Due to the disease, the photosynthesis process of plant is disrupted and it dies in 1 or 2 days. 

  • Never cultivate crops in a field affected by disease.
  • Do not choose low water absorbing lands.
  • Uproot the severely affected plants.
  • Do not apply water from affected fields to healthy fields.
  • During hoeing, full care should be taken so that the roots of the plant are not injured.
  • Do not use unnecessary transportation and agricultural machinery.


Root rot

The leaves of the plant turn yellow and their growth stops completely. The leaves of the plant appear to have withered. The stem of the affected plant appears to be relatively more swallow than the healthy plants from close to the surface and if the plant is uprooted, the roots appear to be swollen. Rising underground temperatures and the attack of disease in dry land becomes severe.

  • Apply the recommended fungicide before sowing the seeds.
  • Spray the recommended fungicide in case of an attack.


The cause of this disease is Nematode, the height of the plant remains small. The leaves look yellow, the plants appear to be wilting, if the affected plant is uprooted, small knots are seen on the roots. The nematodes injure the roots of the plants and cause the transmission of other disease-causing germs. Such as wilt and rot etc.

  • Use the recommended chemicals for control.

Seed rot/Seedling wilting

The cause of seed rot is a fungus. The seed does not germinate or dies as soon as it emerges. If the disease comes on a large plant, they wilt, dry up and die.

  • Do not sow in the affected field.
  • Always cultivate the seeds by applying fungicide.
  • Use the recommended fungicide.





Long spots appear on the leaves, stems, and fruits that become smaller and later larger. The shape of the spots is pointed or relatively round, which rapidly grows and shows brown color. If the disease starts with a disease seed, the leaves first wilt and the spots form near the surface of the soil on the stem and the plant dies. The disease survives in the residues and seeds of the plants. grows with the crop in the field. transferred to healthy plants through rain, water and insects.

  • Destroy the weeds.
  • Destroy crop residues.
  • Use the recommended fungicide.

Myrothecium Blight

This disease appears in the form of light-yellow spots on the edge of the leaves. The color of the spots later turns dark yellow and then brown and eventually black. As the disease progresses, the spots grow larger and cover on all the leaves. It spreads in the months of July to September through seeds and residues of plants. The most suitable temperature is 28 to 38 C.               

  • Always cultivate the seeds by applying fungicide.
  • In case of disease, spray the recommended fungicides with a interval of 5 days from the principle of rotation.

Fruit rot (non-bacterial disease) 

This is not a disease, but in hot weather, when the need for water increases and the fruits do not get adequate amount of calcium, then symptoms of the disease appear. The fruit of tomatoes turns brown from the back, which later turns black. Sometimes black spots also form inside the fruit.

  • Use the recommended fungicide as soon as symptoms appear.

Viral diseases of Cucurbits

More than 30 types of viral diseases attack cucurbits, including cucumber mosaic virus, squash mosaic virus, watermelon mosaic virus, zucchini yellow mosaic virus, papaya color spot virus, etc. The symptoms of these viral diseases are similar. The shape of the leaf would deteriorate. Light and dark spots. Green matter is surrounded by yellow or green matter is depleted. The height of the affected plant is stunted. Leaves moving upwards or downwards from the edges. Less fruit bears on infected plants.

  • Weeds should be eradicated.
  • Resistant varieties should be cultivated. Destroy the few plants that are affected at the beginning of the disease.
  • Sap-sucking insects should be controlled by recommended insecticides.
  • Use balanced fertilizers at appropriate intervals in small quantities to increase the resistance of the plants.

Cucumber Mosaic virus

Its symptoms include mosaic virus leaves are yellow, the emergence of leaf veins, the deterioration of the shape of the leaf, the smallness of the leaf size and the formation of dead spots on the leaf. The virus can reduce the total production of chillies up to 60 percent.



     Same as above

Yellow virus of Ladyfinger

The virus is permanently spread through the whitefly. Due to this disease, the veins of the leaves first start to turn yellow, which gradually becomes deep yellow. Gradually the large and small veins become thick and all the leaves are formed in a yolk color web. Sometimes the green matter in the leaf is completely lost and the diseased plant is visible from a distance. The fruit also becomes yellow and its size is also small.




    Same as above



Harmful vegetable insects and their control 





Tomatoes, brinjal, okra, melon, cabbage, cabbage, turnips, watermelon and other vegetables.

Adults and larvae of Aphids by sucking the sap from the lower surface of the leaves. They release a sweet secretion from their body, due to which the leaves are black and the process of Photosynthesis is severely affected. Its attack is severe from mid-February to March. The growth of small plants stops and the plants do not give enough yield. High humidity and low temperature are very helpful in the growth of aphid. Vegetable crops also contain adult that move from one farm to another. This insect usually spreads viral diseases. The crop looks black in case of a severe attack.

  • To control the aphid, increase the number of its predatory insects such as ladybird beetle and Chrysoperla.
  • Spray water with high pressure by power sprayer. Spray the recommended pesticide in case of a severe attack.


Okra tori, brinjal, chilli and beldar vegetables

Both Larvae and adults suck the sap of the leaves from the lower surface. The edges of the leaves turn dark yellow and later reddish. Which later dried up and took a cup-like shape in the downwards or upwards, and in case of a severe attack, the leaves start falling and the crop appears scorched.

  • Keep the field free of weeds. Cultivate res varieties. Eggs of jassid, adult and larva eating insect should be reared. Spray the recommended pesticide in case of a severe attack.

(White fly)

Almost All Vegetables

The white fly adult is very small, the body color is yellow and the body is covered with white color powder. Therefore, the color of this insect looks white. larvae are flat oval-shaped light yellow or greenish yellow in color that stick to the lower surface of the leaves. Both adults and larvae suck the sap and weaken the plants. In addition to sucking sap, the whitefly also excretes sweet substances. The attacked part of the plant becomes black due to the black color. Due to low photosynthesis, food is less produced and plants become weak. A severe attack leads to a decrease in yield. Whiteflies are a means of spreading the virus from one plant to another. Whiteflies attack more in conditions such as dry climates and high temperatures. They are abundantly present on vegetables in the months of June to August.

  • Keep the field free of weeds. Promote the breeding of farmer-friendly insects such as greenlace wing, ladybird beetle, etc. Don't let too much stress.
  • Spray the recommended pesticide in case of a severe attack.

(Red mites)

All Vegetables

Mites are a separate group. Insects have six legs while mites have eight legs. They are very small in height so can be seen on the leaves only with the help of a convex lens. The color of the female of red mite is red or greenish yellow. There are two red spots on the back. Larvae are also like mites in shape. At the beginning of the attack on the leaves, light green to white yellow spots appears to form and fall. In case of a severe attack, the entire leaf is covered with white silk nets. Due to sucking the sap, the leaves turn from the edges and their green color becomes yellow and later brown. The plant looks similar to the signs of wilt when viewed from a distance. All the leaves of the plant are covered by mites and production is severely affected.

  • Its attack occurs in hot and dry climate. If proper irrigation is provided, its attack is reduced.
  • Spray the recommended pesticide in case of a severe attack.

(Brinjal Stem & Fruit Borer)

Its larvae do the most damage to the tillers and fruits. They enter the stem and fruit and eat from inside. This insect also attacks the nursery and the transferred crop. If this is not controlled, production is severely affected. The affected flowers form holes filled with insect waste secretion. Its moth is brown in color and there is a W mark near the front wings. The color of the larvae is pale white and the head is orange brown.

  • Destroy the weeds.
  • Destroy the moths with light trap.
  • Cut down the attacked fruits and twigs and bury them in the ground. Eliminate crop residue. Breed farmer-friendly insects.
  • Spray recommended pesticide for chemical control.

(Okra fruit & shoot borer)

Larvae cause damage by making holes inside the tillers, buds, and fruits. The affected tillers wilt and dry up. The shape of the attacked fruit deteriorates and remains unusable.    

  • Apply Pheromone traps to destroy the moths.
  • Break down the attacked shoots and fruits and bury them in the ground.
  • Do not cultivate Okra in a cotton growing area.
  • Apply trichogramma cards 20 to 30 per acre and replace them after a reasonable interval in consultation with agriculture expert.
  • Spray recommended pesticide for chemical control.

(American Worm)

All Vegetables

Its larvae attack the tillers, buds, flowers and fruits. They enter the fruit by making holes in it. While eating, larva keeps its head inside the fruit and the rest of the body outside. American worms can be of different colors. The color of the larva is light brown. It is thick and brown in color. While the head of the Army worm is thin and black as compared to the body. It can also be yellow or green in color when it is gain full growth. Its attack is more in hot humid and rainy weather. The female lays eggs on the top of the leaves and fruit and most of its eggs are on the soft twigs of the plant.

  • Destroy the moths by applying light traps.
  • Destroy the eggs and larvae by hand in the initial stages of the attack.
  • Breed farmer-friendly insects.
  • Spray recommended pesticide for chemical control.

(Leaf Miner)

All Vegetables

The attack of this insect occurs more intensely in case of cultivation in the tunnel. This insect scratches and eats the green matter of the leaves and there are irregular white lines on the leaves.

  • Spray recommended pesticide for control.

(Red pumpkin beetle)

Vegetables with melon, watermelon, pumpkin and other bullocks

It's a red elliptical beetle. Whose lower part of the abdomen is black in color. It eats the leaves which stops the growth of plants. If the attack is severe, the plants die. The attack of this insect on the growing plants causes severe damage to the crop, its pupa is present in the cracks inside the ground. From which the beetle comes out and causes harm.

  • Keep the fields free of weeds. After harvesting of crop, plough deep so that the pupa and grubs present in the ground are destroyed. Kill adult insects by hand in the morning. Cultivate the seeds by applying pesticides.
  • Spray recommended pesticide for control.


Almost All Vegetables

These insects attack and eat plant roots and underground stems. The affected plants first wilt and dry up.

  • Do not use fresh manure. Full irrigation to the affected fields reduces the attack. Flood the recommended pesticide for control.

(Fruit Fly)

It is usually yellow in color. Female flies make fine holes in the fruit and lay eggs in it. The hole closes later. From these eggs, the larvae hatch and eat the fruit pulp inside. Due to which the fruit gets spoiled and remains unusable.

  • Collect the rotten fruits from the field and bury them in the ground.
  • To control fruit flies, prepare a toxic bait of protein hydrolysate and spray it later.
  • Spray recommended pesticide for chemical control.

(Cut worm)


Tomatoes, potatoes, chillies, cabbage nursery, okra tori, beldar vegetables and other vegetables

This insect is active from October to May. At night, small plants are cut from close to the ground and damaged. Eats less and causes more losses. During the day, the larvae hide in the ground.

  • Apply light traps to destroy the moths. Irrigate the fields after hoeing. Keep the field free from weeds. To collect and destroy the larvae, make pile of damaged vegetables and leaves at different places in the field on which the larvae will be collected. Then destroy them. Apply water at appropriate intervals, this reduces the attack of insects. Spray recommended pesticides for control

(Mealy Bug)

The female does not have wings and the male has wings. the color of the female is light red and when become adult, the thick layer of white powder accumulates on it and becomes very slow. Males only work as breeder and all the damage is done only by the larvae and the female mealybug. The mealybug carries a sac that contains up to 200 eggs. In which larvae hatch within 10 days and sometimes the mealybug gives larvae directly. Its larvae are very active and can quickly climb on vegetable plants. This insect attacks in the form of groups. Sucks the sap of the soft twigs of vegetables.

  • Remove the affected plants from the field.
  • Ensure eradication of weeds.
  • Spray recommended pesticide for control.

(Brinjal wing lace bug)

The adults and larvae of this insect suck the sap of the leaves and insert a poisonous substance into the leaves, due to which the leaves dry up and start falling. The affected plants first turn yellow and then wrinkled. Severely affected plants completely lose leaves and eventually die.

  • Uproot and destroy the affected plants.
  • Spray recommended pesticide for control.

(Huda Beetle)

Brinjal, potatoes, tomatoes and other vinegar vegetables

These insects scratch the upper surface of both adult and larvae leaves and eat chlorophyll. The veins of the affected leaves remain and the leaves dry out and fall. The affected leaves become mesh-like.    

  • Keep the field free from weeds.
  • Plow deep after harvesting of crop.
  • Spray recommended pesticide for control.

(Painted Bug)

Okra and tomatoes etc.

Both adults and larvae suck plant sap. While sucking the sap, release a toxic substance from your mouth on the plants. Due to which the plants start drying up and the production is affected.

  • Ensure eradication of weeds. Spray the recommended poison to control painted bugs.

(Fruit Fly)

It is usually yellow in color. Female flies make fine holes in the fruit and lay eggs in it. The hole closes later. From these eggs, the larvae hatch and eat the fruit pulp inside. Due to which the fruit gets spoiled and remains unusable.

  • Collect the rotten fruits from the field and bury them in the ground.
  • To control fruit flies, prepare a toxic bait of protein hydrolysate and spray it later.
  • Spray recommended pesticide for chemical control.


Weed Control

Chemical Control

The bitter gourd crop is damaged by weeds like Itsit, Swanki, Madhana, Lumb, Chaulai, Kulfa, Deela and Hazardani. For control, Dual gold 700 ml can be mixed in 100 liters of water and sprayed only in moist soil after taking initial training a day after cultivation in February-March. If these sprays are done on the cultivated bitter gourd in April or May, the chances of attack of the virus are high.

Thinning & Hoeing

When the crop sprouts three leaves, leave a healthy plant at a distance of 1.5 feet and remove the surplus plants. To remove the weeds, do hoeing and also earthen up around the plants.


Give the first irrigation immediately after cultivation and try not to get into the sowing area, otherwise the germination will be affected due to Karund. After that keep irrigation on weekly. When the weather gets hot, do irrigation at intervals of 4 days or as per requirement. Since bitter gourd is a summer crop. Therefore, there should be no negligence in its irrigation and it should be kept in mind that the colder the land, the more flowers will appear and the production will increase. Experiments have shown that if the seeds are soaked in water for 12 hours, then 100 percent germination is done on the second irrigation.


Use of fertilizers

Determine the amount of fertilizer on the basis of laboratory analysis of the soil, but follow the following recommendations for the average fertile land.

Nutrient quantity (kg per acre)







 Fertilizer quantity (bags per acre)




1.75 bags DAP, 1.5 bags Urea and 1 bag SOP

Note: Use full amount of phosphorus and potash and one-third of the nitrogen at the time of sowing. Use the remaining amount of nitrogen in three splits i.e. one split after flowering and then two remaining splits after every three days of picking.


Usually, the first picking is done two months after cultivation. Harvest the fruit every fourth day according to its ripening.  Do picking in the morning or evening. Place the vegetable in a shaded place and cover it with a wet cotton cloth so that it does not wilt.


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